


"Anytime again" - that is the feedback we often hear from our runners. What is so special about the Volksbank-Münster-Marathon? Runners sum it up as follows: "Short distances, very good organization, family environment, spectators with good spirit, friends and family can see you several times along the race course, great motivational quotes at each kilometer, transition boxes for the relay runners are not disturbing for the marathon runners, many artists along the race course." "A huge sport- and cultural event with an unmatched finish line at the historical Prinzipalmarkt within the city centre."

In 2023 over 100.000 spectators were in a festive mood - the whole of Muenster was topsy turvey. They were clapping, rattling, singing and cheering on the runners by shouting their first names. Within Germany the Volksbank-Muenster-Marathon was ranked as the seventh most liked marathon and it is also amongst the Top Ten of the most favoured marathons in Germany, Austria and Swizerland.

Since July 2012 the Volksbank-Muenster-Marathon has been an official member of AIMS (the Association of International Marathons and Distant Races) joining in the over 350 worldwide events in 101 countries. The city of Muenster is known for its famous thrillers "Tatort" and "Wilsberg2"  which are broadcasted on TV. Part of the race course is directly bypassing these scenic film locations. Feelings of happiness, the festive atmosphere and the experience of a marathon are not the only unique features of this noteworthy race.





Rules & Regulations

    The Volksbank-Muenster-Marathon is a perfect mix between an urban and scenic marathon. The start is located on a four-lane street directly in front of the Castle of Muenster. The first 10 km carry the runners through the beautiful historic city center and the green belt (called Promenande) that surrounds it. 

    Next comes the pedestrian zone, where the runners can already feel the excitement of the finish area, before the route leaves the city behind and leads towards the Aasee. From here the runners hit the city's clinical center and university facilities. Next the runners reach the half marathon mark in the urban district of Nienberge. The party in Nienberge is unmatched.

     From kilometre 24 onwards the route goes through Muenster's green lung. The runners are now on their own for a short while - giving them peace and quiet time that is needed to listen to their bodies and check their "systems" in order to be able to reach the 30 km mark in good condition. Just after passing the manor "Haus Vögeding," which first appears in records in 1353, and in the middle of a wonderful quietness, the runners are brought back down to earth by an Afro-Cuban band with its 40 musicians. 

    Welcome to the Volksbank-Muenster Marathon. And now the party really gets started. The next highlight awaiting the marathon runners is in the urban district of Roxel with a Power Point stage, many spectators and performers. After just 2 km more there is yet another feature located directly on the Roxeler Straße. From here the runners begin a slightly downhill course to Gievenbeck where the runners get one more cheer of appreciation for their hard work. And the place is rocking. 

    The last 4 km to the finish line are a party mile - both runners and spectators are still creating the atmosphere of a folk festival. Everyone is getting goose bumps as runners approach the last stretch to the finish line from the Rothenburg to the Prinzipalmarkt, completely decorated with flags. Here, everyone feels like a winner.



    42.20 Km

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    95 EUR



    75 EUR


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